184 Results
Medial Uni-Condylar Arthroplasty Exposure 00:07:08
Medial Uni-Condylar Arthroplasty Exposure
Mini Direct Lateral Femur Exposure for Percutaneous Plating 00:10:18
Mini Direct Lateral Femur Exposure for Percutaneous Plating
Mini-Posterior Approach 00:17:50
Mini-Posterior Approach
Modified Direct Lateral Approach 00:17:08
Modified Direct Lateral Approach
Molecular biology of osteolysis and bone loss after THA 00:08:47
Molecular biology of osteolysis and bone loss after THA
Muscle Testing: Hip Abductors 00:00:22
Muscle Testing: Hip Abductors
Muscle testing: Hip Extensors 00:00:21
Muscle testing: Hip Extensors
New Paradigms in the Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Osteonecrosis 00:14:41
New Paradigms in the Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Osteonecrosis
Obesity in TJA 00:08:43
Obesity in TJA
Osteonecrosis Repair With Stem Cells: 30 years of Experience With Bone Marrow Concentration 00:20:54
Osteonecrosis Repair With Stem Cells: 30 years of Experience With Bone Marrow Concentration
Osteonecrosis: What Research is Telling Us 00:15:13
Osteonecrosis: What Research is Telling Us
Panel Discussion - Financial Considerations in 2020: Hospital, ASC and Surgeon 00:35:41
Panel Discussion - Financial Considerations in 2020: Hospital, ASC and Surgeon
Partial Knee Arthroplasty: The Medial Side 00:15:25
Partial Knee Arthroplasty: The Medial Side
Partial Two-stage Exchange for Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty 00:15:37
Partial Two-stage Exchange for Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty
Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: Indications and Results 00:12:25
Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: Indications and Results
Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: Optimizing Success 00:22:06
Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: Optimizing Success
Patient and Radiographic Workup of Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty 01:05:27
Patient and Radiographic Workup of Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty
Patient Selection: It all starts here 00:14:38
Patient Selection: It all starts here
Pearls and Pitfalls of a Posterior Approach 00:47:57
Pearls and Pitfalls of a Posterior Approach
Pelvic Discontinuity and Bone Loss 00:15:54
Pelvic Discontinuity and Bone Loss
Periprosthetic Femoral Shaft Fracture after Total Knee Arthroplasty 00:08:44
Periprosthetic Femoral Shaft Fracture after Total Knee Arthroplasty
Periprosthetic Femur Fractures: Fix or Revise 00:10:02
Periprosthetic Femur Fractures: Fix or Revise
Periprosthetic Fractures and New Concepts of Osteoporotic Fixation 01:08:49
Periprosthetic Fractures and New Concepts of Osteoporotic Fixation
Periprosthetic Fractures around a TKA- Distal Femoral Replacement—Derek J Donegan, MD, MBA 00:15:10
Periprosthetic Fractures around a TKA- Distal Femoral Replacement—Derek J Donegan, MD, MBA
Periprosthetic Fractures Around TKA: Nail, Plate, and BOTH 00:16:18
Periprosthetic Fractures Around TKA: Nail, Plate, and BOTH
Periprosthetic Infection: One vs Two Stage Exchange 00:16:21
Periprosthetic Infection: One vs Two Stage Exchange
Periprosthetic Supracondylar Femur Fractures Around TKA: When in Doubt, Throw Them Out! 00:19:21
Periprosthetic Supracondylar Femur Fractures Around TKA: When in Doubt, Throw Them Out!
Piriformis Test 00:00:28
Piriformis Test
Posterolateral Corner Approach 00:17:22
Posterolateral Corner Approach
Posteromedial Approach to the Knee 00:10:09
Posteromedial Approach to the Knee
Posteromedial Corner Approach 00:15:25
Posteromedial Corner Approach
Posteromedial Tibia Exposure for ORIF 00:03:03
Posteromedial Tibia Exposure for ORIF
Practical Techniques for Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Stem Removal 00:12:57
Practical Techniques for Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: Stem Removal
Practice management Annual meeting highlights 00:11:30
Practice management Annual meeting highlights
Pre-operative Optimization and Templating: Avoiding Complication 00:09:56
Pre-operative Optimization and Templating: Avoiding Complication
Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Biomechanics, Implants, and Results 00:26:35
Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Biomechanics, Implants, and Results
Primary Total Hip: Pre-Operative Planning and Peri-operative Management 01:16:22
Primary Total Hip: Pre-Operative Planning and Peri-operative Management
Proximal Lateral Tibia Exposure for Closing Wedge Valgus Producing Osteotomy 00:08:57
Proximal Lateral Tibia Exposure for Closing Wedge Valgus Producing Osteotomy
Proximal Lateral Tibia Exposure for ORIF 00:06:24
Proximal Lateral Tibia Exposure for ORIF
Proximal Medial Tibial Exposure for Opening Wedge Valgus Producing Osteotomy 00:10:26
Proximal Medial Tibial Exposure for Opening Wedge Valgus Producing Osteotomy
Range of Motion: Abduction 00:00:35
Range of Motion: Abduction
Range of Motion: Hip Flexion Contracture—Thomas Test 00:00:45
Range of Motion: Hip Flexion Contracture—Thomas Test
Reimbursement models: Contracts, bundles, etc. 00:09:40
Reimbursement models: Contracts, bundles, etc.
Reimplantation: US Approach 00:08:39
Reimplantation: US Approach
Removal of Components 00:12:09
Removal of Components
Removal of Osteophytes 00:00:54
Removal of Osteophytes
Repair of Distal Femoral Periprosthethic Fracture Nonunion Using a Linked Nail Plate Construct 00:11:07
Repair of Distal Femoral Periprosthethic Fracture Nonunion Using a Linked Nail Plate Construct
Results of Single Stage Reimplantation for Periprosthetic Joint Infection 00:06:24
Results of Single Stage Reimplantation for Periprosthetic Joint Infection
Results of Single Stage Reimplantation for Periprosthetic Joint Infection – Thomas K. Fehring, MD 00:07:20
Results of Single Stage Reimplantation for Periprosthetic Joint Infection – Thomas K. Fehring, MD
Retained Hardware in TKA: Previous HTO in TKA 00:09:04
Retained Hardware in TKA: Previous HTO in TKA
Revision Knee Fixation Options: Cementless/cemented/hybrid 00:04:56
Revision Knee Fixation Options: Cementless/cemented/hybrid
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty With Flexion Instability 00:30:09
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty With Flexion Instability
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: Planning and Performance 00:47:53
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: Planning and Performance
Robot-Assisted Lateral Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty 00:15:16
Robot-Assisted Lateral Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty
Screws and Cement in TKA 00:04:36
Screws and Cement in TKA
Surgical Exposures in Complex and Revision TKA 00:04:59
Surgical Exposures in Complex and Revision TKA "The Femoral Peel"
Surgical Exposures in Complex and Revision TKA 00:05:43
Surgical Exposures in Complex and Revision TKA "The Quadriceps Snip"
Surgical Technique: Hip Resurfacing Postero-Lateral Approach 00:21:33
Surgical Technique: Hip Resurfacing Postero-Lateral Approach
Templating Simple and Complex THA Cases 00:05:09
Templating Simple and Complex THA Cases
The Business of Medicine: Hospital-based, Academic, Private Practice. Learning How to Succeed 01:21:03
The Business of Medicine: Hospital-based, Academic, Private Practice. Learning How to Succeed
The Complex Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty Made Simple 00:07:45
The Complex Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty Made Simple
The Medial Pivot is the Answer 00:06:33
The Medial Pivot is the Answer
The Patella Does Not Track Well 00:09:49
The Patella Does Not Track Well
The Patellar Tendon is in Trouble 00:07:50
The Patellar Tendon is in Trouble
The Protocols and Pathways That Make it Work 00:11:17
The Protocols and Pathways That Make it Work
The Ultra-congruent or Anterior Stabilized Bearing has Stood the Test of Time 00:04:55
The Ultra-congruent or Anterior Stabilized Bearing has Stood the Test of Time
The Use of Antibiotic Spacers for the Hip 00:14:55
The Use of Antibiotic Spacers for the Hip
The Valgus Knee 00:15:10
The Valgus Knee
The Wound is Draining or Red After TKA- What To Do? 00:10:26
The Wound is Draining or Red After TKA- What To Do?
There is a Sciatic Nerve Problem 00:08:35
There is a Sciatic Nerve Problem
Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy 00:07:32
Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy
TKA Critieria 00:04:07
TKA Critieria
Total Hip Arthroplasty After Acetabular Fractures 00:10:23
Total Hip Arthroplasty After Acetabular Fractures
Total Hip Arthroplasty and Femoral Shortening Osteotomy in Patients With Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 00:12:12
Total Hip Arthroplasty and Femoral Shortening Osteotomy in Patients With Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Total Hip Arthroplasty for Acute Intertronchanteric Fractures 00:07:38
Total Hip Arthroplasty for Acute Intertronchanteric Fractures
Total Knee and Knee Instability 00:07:34
Total Knee and Knee Instability
Treating Periprosthetic Joint Infection 00:22:06
Treating Periprosthetic Joint Infection
Treatment of Acute Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures: Decision Making 00:14:17
Treatment of Acute Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures: Decision Making
Trendelenburg test 00:00:30
Trendelenburg test
Ulnar-Sided Hand and Wrist Anatomy 00:08:08
Ulnar-Sided Hand and Wrist Anatomy
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 00:20:01
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Technical Strategies for Successful Outcomes. 00:15:23
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: Technical Strategies for Successful Outcomes.
Using Spacers In Infected TKR 00:13:49
Using Spacers In Infected TKR
Varus Thrust Gait 00:00:13
Varus Thrust Gait
When and How to Use Arthroplasty in Acute and Failed Hip Fracture Treatment: The Latest Surgical Techniques 00:50:05
When and How to Use Arthroplasty in Acute and Failed Hip Fracture Treatment: The Latest Surgical Techniques
When and How to: Osteotomies of the Proximal Femur to Revise Total Hip Stems 00:13:29
When and How to: Osteotomies of the Proximal Femur to Revise Total Hip Stems
When Femoral Fracture Fixation Fails: Salvage Option 00:09:09
When Femoral Fracture Fixation Fails: Salvage Option
Why Struggle? Do an Extended Trochanteric Osteotomy 00:04:29
Why Struggle? Do an Extended Trochanteric Osteotomy
Show: 24 48 96